florida ag

Choose From These IPM Practices

2023-12-30T02:34:31+00:00December 22nd, 2023|

See the IPM practices that you could utilize to control pest problems that are affecting your agricultural crops. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is “a combination of all practices and [...]

Microorganisms in Soil

2023-12-19T18:35:45+00:00December 11th, 2023|

See all of the microorganisms that could be in your soil, and how each benefits the soil and your crops. Did you know that “A teaspoon of good soil [...]

Tips on Determining Cattle COD

2023-10-03T19:51:35+00:00September 27th, 2023|

Find tips for ranchers for determining cattle COD, provided by the South Florida Beef-Forage Program Article-of-the-Month. Life and death go hand-in-hand on a working ranch, and the death of [...]


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