Griffin Blog

Using Interstocks for HLB Management

2024-06-24T12:22:50+00:00June 18th, 2024|

See the pros and cons for using interstocks for HLB management from a UF/IFAS horticulturalist and assistant professor. UF/IFAS horticulturalist and assistant professor Manjul Dutt gave a presentation at [...]

Improve Herbicide Efficacy

2024-06-18T12:22:37+00:00June 14th, 2024|

See advice from UF/IFAS weed scientist Ramdas Kanissery on improving herbicide efficacy for citrus growers and others. Weeds are always a concern in agriculture, and whether they are in [...]

Combating Pink Eye in Cattle

2024-06-12T12:22:40+00:00June 3rd, 2024|

See management strategies for preventing and treating pink eye in cattle, a bacterial infection that can negatively affect your herd. As the weather gets warmer, the conditions for pink [...]

Advanced Turfgrass Management

2024-06-04T11:51:38+00:00May 29th, 2024|

Register now to attend the June 13th Turf Academy: Advanced Turfgrass Management, presented by UF/IFAS Extension. UF/IFAS Extension is presenting Turf Academy: Advanced Turfgrass Management in mid-June. Turfgrass management [...]

The Ins and Outs of Creep Grazing

2024-06-02T18:03:25+00:00May 27th, 2024|

Creep grazing is a pasture management practice used to increase the weight of suckling calves in a cow-calf operation. A UF/IFAS Extension publication on creep grazing maintains that “Selling [...]


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