Tips for Successful Beef Cattle Showmanship
See what you need to know to be successful at a Beef Cattle Showmanship event at during competitions. Beef Cattle Showmanship events focus “on the individual exhibitor’s ability to [...]
See what you need to know to be successful at a Beef Cattle Showmanship event at during competitions. Beef Cattle Showmanship events focus “on the individual exhibitor’s ability to [...]
See the Best Management Practices when it comes to using calf processing vaccines in your cow-calf operation. Vaccines are an important tool in the effort towards raising healthy calves. [...]
A UF/IFAS researchers says more research is needed on grazing-land management for soil carbon storage in the Southeast. Florida ranchers should listen with skepticism to carbon trade marketers, according [...]
See how a researcher with Texas A&M is looking to use AI to make livestock operations more efficient. Texas A&M AgriLife animal nutritionist, Luis Tedeschi, Ph.D., is looking to [...]
Read about how to spot a Vitamin A deficiency in calves and the importance the vitamin plays in cattle health. A Beef Magazine article maintains that “Vitamin A is [...]
See tips on Spring pasture management factors to fight pasture decline and ensure your pasture is as productive as possible. Pasture decline—”What were once lush green pastures have now [...]
See Florida cattle Best Management Practices that are advised by FDACS to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus runoff. The Florida Department of Ag and Consumer Services (FDACS) has a program [...]
See the second set of results of research on mitigating heat stress in Florida cattle using nutrition and management techniques. As shared in the previous bog, Part 1, heat [...]
See the promising results of research on alleviating heat stress in Florida cattle using nutrition and management techniques. Heat stress is a big detriment to cattle health, affecting metabolism, [...]
A UF/IFAS South Florida Beef-Forage ‘Article of the Month’ shared pointers for using herbicides in your pastures. According to a UF/IFAS South Florida Beef-Forage ‘Article of the Month,’ it [...]
Explore the consumer talking points that beef producers can use when sharing the benefits of beef with consumers. Beef producers are perfectly positioned to “agvocate” for the beef industry [...]
Apply to join the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s ‘Trailblazers Program’ to be a spokesperson for beef advocacy. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) is looking for the next round [...]
See the details of the Calf Care Quality Assurance Program (CCQA), aimed at improving calf welfare, an important concern for the Florida Beef Industry. “Animal industries should be prepared [...]
The 2022 Florida Cattlemen’s Association Convention and Trade Show is coming up in June; register now! Pre-register by June 6th to attend the 2022 Florida Cattlemen’s Association Convention and [...]
The 39th Annual Florida Cattlemen’s Institute & Allied Trade Show, slated for January 13th, has moved to Sebring. Florida cattle ranchers and industry partners should mark their calendars for the [...]
Two UF/IFAS researchers are looking at using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve cattle productivity through genetics. Cooler cattle are more productive, especially in hot, humid climates like Florida. Cattle [...]
See five key areas that present challenges for beef cattle producers according to a UF/IFAS Extension Livestock Economist State Agent. In 2021 and beyond, “managing cost of production will [...]
Explore the USDA webinars for livestock producers to learn about and use AMS livestock mandatory reporting data. May is National Beef Month, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) [...]
See facts about mineral supplementation when it comes to Florida beef cattle from UF/IFAS. Supplementing minerals is an important consideration for the health and productivity of a cattle herd. [...]
The USDA is hosting four more free cattle webinars that will be held in the evenings, starting on Tuesday, November 17th. Cattle producers, feeders, and others aligned with the [...]