florida ag

Tips for Using Drones in Ag

2024-05-28T03:15:21+00:00May 20th, 2024|

See the best advice for using drones in ag, whether you are using a drone for monitoring, management, surveying, and more. The use of drones has become pervasive in [...]

Soil pH and Nutrient Availability

2024-05-07T18:20:36+00:00April 30th, 2024|

Soil pH plays a huge role in nutrient availability, especially where micro-sprinkler irrigation has raised soil pH. “Soil pH influences nutrient availability;”is the sentiment of a Citrus Industry article [...]

Nominate a 4R Advocate

2024-03-04T15:02:16+00:00February 29th, 2024|

Applications to nominate someone to the 4R Advocate Program with The Fertilizer Institute are open through March 31st. Do you know a grower who is “leading the way when [...]


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