ReMedium TI Two-Year Restriction Waved, Thankfully
The ReMedium TI two-year restriction has been waved, which is good because not all OTC products are the same. Florida citrus growers have been utilizing tree-trunk injections of an [...]
The ReMedium TI two-year restriction has been waved, which is good because not all OTC products are the same. Florida citrus growers have been utilizing tree-trunk injections of an [...]
Read a Q&A with Sarah Strauss, a UF/IFAS associate professor of soil microbiology, on oxytetracycline and the soil microbiome. Oxytetracycline (OTC) injections have been ongoing for two years, and [...]
See the causes, impacts, and remedy options for managing drought stress in citrus trees for Florida citrus growers. Managing drought stress is generally not a concern for Florida citrus [...]
See the qualities that make a good cover crop for your ag operation, whether in a grove to control weeds or in a field. Cover crops are getting a [...]
Know how to treat heat stress in livestock if preventative actions fail and animals in your herd are suffering. In our two last blog posts, we shared information on [...]
Know the signs of heat stress in cattle so that you can take action to protect the animals’ health and your profits. In our last blog, we shared information [...]
Florida ranchers will need to guard their herd from cattle heat stress in order to protect their animals’ health and profits. The Sunshine State could also be called The [...]
See the latest answer to citrus trunk injection questions from Tom Johnson, owner of TJ BioTech, for Florida citrus growers. We shared the first Q&A with Tom Johnson, which [...]
See tips for timing for herbicide applications during Florida’s May to October rainy season from the UF/IFAS Tip of the Week. Florida’s rainy season is well underway, and that [...]
See the pros and cons for using interstocks for HLB management from a UF/IFAS horticulturalist and assistant professor. UF/IFAS horticulturalist and assistant professor Manjul Dutt gave a presentation at [...]
See advice from UF/IFAS weed scientist Ramdas Kanissery on improving herbicide efficacy for citrus growers and others. Weeds are always a concern in agriculture, and whether they are in [...]
See answers to trunk injection questions from Tom Johnson, owner of TJ BioTech, to optimize applications. Trunk injection applications are showing promise in combating citrus greening, or HLB, in [...]
See the details of the 2024 Florida Cattlemen Association Convention and Allied Tradeshow, running June 17-20. Conventions and tradeshows are an excellent time to come together to discuss the [...]
See what should be on your plate for your citrus grove or other ag operation after a hurricane has passed. We shared information on making a hurricane plan, and [...]
See the issues that cause citrus fruit splitting and the steps to take to prevent it from happening in your citrus grove. Florida citrus growers need nearly every piece [...]
See management strategies for preventing and treating pink eye in cattle, a bacterial infection that can negatively affect your herd. As the weather gets warmer, the conditions for pink [...]
See details of the Veterans Florida Agriculture Program, a training fellowship that prepares military personnel for an ag career. It’s an unfortunate truth that many military personnel often struggle [...]
Register now to attend the June 13th Turf Academy: Advanced Turfgrass Management, presented by UF/IFAS Extension. UF/IFAS Extension is presenting Turf Academy: Advanced Turfgrass Management in mid-June. Turfgrass management [...]
Creep grazing is a pasture management practice used to increase the weight of suckling calves in a cow-calf operation. A UF/IFAS Extension publication on creep grazing maintains that “Selling [...]
See the Best Management Practices when it comes to using calf processing vaccines in your cow-calf operation. Vaccines are an important tool in the effort towards raising healthy calves. [...]