A new resource from the NCBA and CattleFax on Cull Cattle Management aims to help producers maximize profitability.
A recent Southeast AgNews article shared a new resource from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and CattleFax on cattle management, specifically on using cull cattle to increase profitability. Titled “Right Way, Right Time – A Guide to Cull Cattle Management,” the article maintains that it aims to help “producers maximize profitability from their culling decisions.” See the details below.
Details of the Cull Cattle Management Guide
The Guide to Cull Cattle Management is a pdf that is free to anyone to view online or to download. The guide itself includes the message that “Management and marketing of cull cows and bulls should be integral to the ranch operating and business plan. We need to recognize these animals can contribute significantly to the profitability of the ranch. We spend extensive time and money adding replacement cattle to our herd, so it is imperative that we capture good value for cull cattle to offset these expenses. This can be accomplished through management, timing of marketing, and having good marketing plans.”
The guide includes the following sections:
- Glossary
- Keeping Cull Cattle Healthy
- Animal Evaluation
- Animal Handling
- Transportation
- Fitness For Transport
- Soundness
- Full Udder
- Foreign Objects: The Hidden Defect
- Making the Decision to Euthanize
- Strategies to Add Value:
- Secondary Value to Cull Cattle Carcasses
- Early-Season Culling
- Retaining Cows and Adding Weight
- Selling Late-Bred Cows
- Drought Considerations
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