Research Results on Combining IPCs and Brassinosteroids

See the results of research on combining IPCs and brassinosteroids to help young citrus trees remain free from citrus greening.

Researchers have proven that Individual protective covers (IPCs) protect newly planted citrus trees from infection from citrus greening by keeping Asian citrus psyllids (ACPs) from feeding on and infecting the new trees. However, once the IPCs are taken off, ACPs are quick to move in and infect the tree. Researchers have been testing using brassinosteroids after IPCs come off, according to a UF/IFAS Tip of the Week article. The article shared that brassinosteroids “are a natural group of hormones approved for use commercially in citrus in Florida. BRs have shown promise in reducing pests and diseases.” See the details of the research on combining IPCs and brassinosteroids to help young citrus trees remain free from citrus greening below.

Research Results on Combining IPCs and Brassinosteroids

Details on the UF/IFAS research on combining IPCs and brassinosteroids includes:

  • “Testing is taking place using different varieties, including Tango and Early Pride mandarins, as well as Hamlin and Valencia oranges.”
  • “This research is now in its third year.”
  • “After IPC removal in the third year, following monthly foliar spray applications of BRs at a rate of 6.2 fluid ounces of product in 100 gallons of water, trees remain HLB-negative for about six months.”
  • “Fruit yield is increased by 30% on average in BR-treated trees.”
  • “Tree growth is significantly increased with monthly applications of BRs.”
  • “HLB infection eventually progresses in these trees, but healthier trees may cope better with antibiotic injections.”

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