citrus industry

Tips on Planting Cover Crops

2022-05-08T11:30:53+00:00May 4th, 2022|

See the UF/IFAS Tip of the Week for information for preparing and planting cover crops in the Florida citrus grove. Cover crops are well-known for their effectiveness in improving [...]

Spotting and Treating Black Spot

2022-04-07T20:58:50+00:00March 31st, 2022|

Explore expert recommendations for scouting for and treating black spot in Florida citrus groves. Black spot may not be a major concern for the majority of Florida citrus growers. [...]

Attend the Finger Lime Symposium

2022-03-19T11:46:29+00:00March 16th, 2022|

Commercial citrus growers and specialty crop growers are encouraged to attend the Finger Lime Symposium March 23rd. UF/IFAS is hosting a virtual Finger Lime Symposium for commercial citrus growers and [...]


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