Additional Information on the Citrus Greening-Fighting Peptide

See additional information on the benefits of a citrus greening-fighting peptide that researchers believe can rid citrus trees of the CLas bacteria.

In July, the citrus industry was abuzz with news out of the University of California, Riverside about a citrus greening-fighting peptide that could possibly rid citrus trees of all CLas bacteria, the bacteria that causes citrus greening. Derived from greening-tolerant Australian finger limes, the antimicrobial peptide is believed to be able to combat citrus greening. It comes with a host of benefits: it’s natural, treatments can stand up to heat, and it’s cost-effective. A Citrus Industry article looks at additional benefits. See them below.

Benefits of the Citrus Greening-Fighting Peptide

The additional information on the peptide was shared at a seminar hosted by Invaio Sciences, the company pairing with researcher at the University of California to commercialize the peptide. They laid out additional benefits of the citrus greening-fighting peptide. According to Umberto Torresan, the senior director of business development at Invaio, the peptide offers the following benefits:

  • The peptide can be used to prevent citrus greening infection, treat trees that are already infected, and support tree health.
  • It will extend the life of citrus trees, and improve tree health, leading to a greater investment for citrus growers.
  • Research indicates the peptide will “restore the flavor profile for Florida citrus” in terms of orange juice flavor by removing citrus greening’s effects on citrus flavor.
  • The treatments will likely be administered via injection a few times a year, saving growers time and money.

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