USDA Chief Scientist Visits Citrus Research & Education Center to Check Citrus Greening Research

Catherine Woteki, the USDA Under Secretary paid a visit to the University of Florida’s Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred this past Tuesday, February 23rd to view research efforts that will protect the industry from HLB.

She met with researchers and media, getting a firsthand look at the efforts being taken to fight citrus greening, the number one enemy of Florida citrus groves. Citrus greening poses a massive threat to the formerly prosperous Florida citrus industry. However, in recent years, HLB has devastated groves across the state.

When asked about her visit, Woteki commented, “It’s important for me to see where we’re putting our research dollars, meet with the scientists who are doing the research, and bring back to Washington the insights they provide to me. The work being done at Lake Alfred will help advance efforts to give growers the tools they need to combat this disease, which has affected more than 75 percent of Florida citrus crops and threatens production all across the United States.”

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