Tips on Grazing Management for Florida Beef Producers

Grazing management is an important tool Florida beef producers need to consider to maximize the productivity of their herd.

Forages are an important component of a Florida beef producer’s operation, and that importance makes grazing management a priority. A South Florida Beef-Forage Program article outlines considerations for effective management. See a summary below.

Tips on Grazing Management

The article defines grazing management as “the manipulation of livestock grazing methods to reach the overall desired results.”  The management system chosen should be determined by factors, according to the article, such as:

  • “The type of forage species on your operation
  • The nutritional requirements of the animal
  • Anticipated input costs
  • Expected return on investment
  • Achieving the desired outcome”

The following tips concerning grazing and forage management found in the article include:

  1. “important issues to consider…are the requirements of both the forage and the animal for both to be productive. Grazing methods can affect these requirements both positively and negatively.  The choices management makes can greatly impact the success and failures of a grazing system.  Matching the nutritive value of the pastures to the requirements of the animals is a key component of overall success.
  2. “Grazing height management can be considered one of two ways either through stubble height or stocking rate.”
  3. “One of the first decisions a producer will need to make is how they want to graze their pastures.Do they want a continuous grazing structure or a rotational structure?”
  4. “Continuous grazing can be appealing as it has a lower input cost and less labor intensive,” but can lead to overgrazing.
  5. “In a rotational grazing system the manager controls the stubble height and the length of rest a pasture receives,” though overgrazing can still occur.
  6. “Some of the disadvantages to a rotational grazing system are the initial costs involved for new fences, additional water sources, feed bunks, etc.”

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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