Tips for Citrus Oxytetracycline Injections Part 2: Injection Technique

See more tips for citrus oxytetracycline injections that aim to help Florida citrus growers with techniques for the injections.

In a past recent blog, we shared tips for Florida citrus growers in timing citrus oxytetracycline injections for citrus trees in the fight against citrus greening. These tips came from a UF/IFAS Tip of the Week article. Now see tips for injection techniques below.

Tips on Techniques for Citrus Oxytetracycline Injections

The article shared the following tips on citrus oxytetracycline injections for citrus that focus on injection techniques to ensure maximum efficacy:

  • “Before performing injections, measure the diameter of the tree trunk to determine the appropriate dosage and size of the injector. Choose the smallest drill bit recommended for the trunk diameter.”
  • “Find a site on the tree trunk with no existing damage or disease. The label recommends injecting in the rootstock, but this may not always be possible.”
  • “Inject in line with the crotch of the scaffold branches, especially if the tree trunk is short. Do not inject right beneath a major scaffold branch as the formulation will then only move into the part of the canopy that is supported by that branch.”
  • “Use a sharp brad-point drill bit. Do not drill/inject deeper into the trunk than necessary. For bearing trees, the depth should not exceed 1 inch when using the large FlexInjectTM injector and a 17/64-inch drill bit. The deeper (older) wood is less metabolically active than the newer wood and therefore less effective in compartmentalizing the wound caused by the injection. Injecting too deep will also hinder effective distribution throughout the tree.”

See subsequent Griffin Fertilizer blogs for additional advice.

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