Research Looks at Asian Psyllid Management Tools

Research is continuing despite complications from the coronavirus into different Asian psyllid management tools.

The arrival of the coronavirus has presented a host of challenges, but research is continuing, according to a Citrus Industry article. One area of note is research into different Asian psyllid management tools. Asian citrus psyllids are the insect vector that spread the bacteria that cause citrus greening. Growers have found that psyllids are becoming resistant to insecticides, so they are looking for other options. Part of the research referenced in the article is looking at these options.

Options for Asian Psyllid Management Tools

The research is looking at Asian psyllid management tools like reflective mulch, exclusion bags. and kaolin clay. These tools have shown promise, but researchers have not yet studied them in terms of comprehensive grove management options, according to the article.

The team consisting of UF/IFAS entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock, two plant pathologists, a water and soil scientist, and a tree eco-physiologist. According to the article, the research will examine the following:

  1. How to best scout for insects and pathogens for each tool.
  2. Impacts of phytophthora, a plant-damaging fungus, with the different management tools.
  3. Best options for water and nutrient management.
  4. How each tool influences tree growth parameters.

Per the article, the research will examine the “comprehensive impacts that these tools can have and understand better how to optimize them for growers to take full advantage of them.”

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