
ASSIMILATE™ is a proprietary nutrient blend that is biochemically designed to enhance plant nutrient utilization and optimize plant metabolism. This helps the plant mitigate and recover from abiotic and biotic stresses. Research has shown that Assimilate™ facilitates plant root and shoot growth producing a healthier plant that is more resistant to diseases and stress.

Foliar Application – Assimilate™ may be applied by air or with all types of ground spraying equipment. Use sufficient water volume to ensure adequate coverage.

Injection and Ground Applied – AssimilateTM may be applied through irrigation systems or with all ground drench equipment.

Compatibility – Assimilate™ is compatible with most pesticides and nutrients. However, the user assumes full responsibility to ensure compatibility when tank mixing with other products.


Total Nitrogen …………………………………………………… 4.00%
Available Phosphorus as P2O 5 ………………………… 0%
Soluble Potassium as K20 ……………………………….. 0%


Mature Citrus – 1 quart per grove acre 4 times per year.
Young Trees – 1 gallon per grove acre annually. May be applied 4 times per year corresponding with the mature citrus timing, or 1 pint every 6 weeks.
Fruiting Vegetables & Cucurbits – Apply 1 quart per acre at transplant, 1 quart per acre pre-bloom, and 1 quart per acre after fruit set.
Strawberries – Apply 1 quart per acre at transplant, 1 quart per acre pre-bloom, and 1 quart per acre every two weeks post bloom.
Blueberries – Apply 1 quart per acre at bloom followed by 1 quart per acre at petal fall.
Sod – 1-2 quarts per acre per month.