Mobile Apps for Ag to Use in 2023

Explore the mobile apps for ag to use on your digital device to improve your ag operation in the new year.

Technology has had a huge impact on agriculture, and it will continue to do so into the future. Mobile apps for ag has been one of the most common ways that tech has been integrated into the agriculture industry, and this is a trend that will continue into 2023. A Growing Produce article shared the top ag mobile apps for 2023. See a synopsis below.

Top Mobile Apps for Ag

Aeroview InField. “Farmers gain insights from high-res drone data, leading them directly to stressed trees on the farm. Easily identify, manage, and take action against pest and disease threats with Aeroview InField. Users can track pest, disease, irrigation, and weed problems; take notes, photos, and qualifying and quantifying data; drop a pin at every stressed tree, with GPS-referenced data on a map of your farm; use the app offline in-field by downloading your data at home; assign scout tasks to different users; and download PDF reports after each scout on Aeroview.”

Agmatix. This app “allows researchers, agronomists, and farmers to simplify trial data collection straight from the field. The On-Farm Experimentation (OFE) feature enables users to create and manage side-by-side plot trials directly in the app. Get things done faster by quickly creating protocols and checklists, assigning tasks, collecting data, and seeing results immediately via the app…”

AGMRI. This “is a Crop Intelligence app from Intelinair that alerts you to what’s happening on your fields. Ideal for farmers, agronomists, and crop specialists, AGMRI is an AI platform that combines ultra hi-res imagery with Machine Learning and Computer Vision to deliver a complete and uninterrupted “row-level” detail view of every acre and every field all season long. Clear color-coded and sortable alerts make you aware of yield killing pressures like weeds, low emergence, nutrient deficiencies, equipment skips, and many others…”

Agtrinsic. “This is a scouting and harvesting analytics app that uses AI for routing of scouts and monitoring of disease pressure. Features include multiple data layers, including in-field instrumentation to feed disease AI; highly accurate emergence modeling; structured scouting inputs that are meaningful and exact; AI-based drone pilot routing; and more.”

See the complete list of mobile apps for ag here.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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