Congratulations to the 2020 Florida Citrus Achievement Award Winner

Join us in congratulating the 2020 Florida Citrus Achievement Award Winner, Steven B. Callaham!

The Florida Citrus Achievement Award is awarded to “an individual grower, allied member, legislator, researcher, or anyone else who stands out through leadership, innovation, dedication, and active participation,” according to a Growing Produce article. This is the 20th year the award has been given to recognize “those who have made and continue to make a significant impact within and even beyond the Florida citrus community.” Explore the details on this year’s winner, Steven B. Callaham.

2020 Florida Citrus Achievement Award Winner

Callaham is the CEO and Executive Vice President of the Dundee Citrus Growers Association (Dundee CGA) and has, according to the article, “spent the majority of his career in service to the state’s citrus industry.”

In the article, Callaham said “My life was surrounded by groves, growers, citrus-related businesses, and folks that worked in the industry. Many of them were close family friends and neighbors. Citrus was iconic, and I was always envious of the people that worked in the industry. Their work didn’t appear to be a job but more of a lifestyle. They were passionate about citrus and seemed to thoroughly enjoy what they did. That is exactly how I feel today and have felt for the past 25 years working in the industry. I love the Florida citrus industry. I love my job, and I can’t imagine doing anything different.”

During his career, Callaham has worked on combating citrus greening,  planting incentive programs, tree and root health regimes, and promoting growing Citrus Under Protective Screen (CUPS).

Our hats are off to the hard work of Steven B. Callaham!

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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