Apply for the Beef Advocacy ‘Trailblazers Program’

Apply to join the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s ‘Trailblazers Program’ to be a spokesperson for beef advocacy.

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) is looking for the next round of applicants for its ‘Trailblazers Program.’ The program gives “participants the tools and training they need to promote beef to new audiences while addressing and correcting myths,” according to a BEEF Magazine article. Explore the details below.

Details of the Trailblazers Program

The Trailblazers Program is a “year-long hands-on program designed to train, equip and empower beef advocates.” Those in the program are given training that teaches them to be “expert communicators, excel in media interviews and understand how to build confidence in beef related practices when talking to consumers.” Training is both in-person and virtual, and the article maintains it includes:

  • Training from subject matter experts.
  • Learning how to effectively engage on various social media platforms.
  • Learning how to interact with the media.
  • Learning enhanced public speaking skills.

The program chooses 10 spokespeople from the applicants, and once their training is complete, they “serve as industry spokespeople and inform beef advocates at the local and state levels on advocacy, media and spokesperson best practices.”

Chandler Mulvaney, the director of grassroots advocacy & spokesperson development at NCBA, said in the article, “Trailblazers develops the next generation of beef advocates through a highly engaging and interactive program. Our goal is to empower the beef community to share their stories, which ultimately helps safeguard the work of cattle farmers and ranchers across the country.”

Applicants must be 21 years old, have completed their Masters of Beef Advocacy certification, and be able to supply at least two references on the application. The application is open until December 30th, and those selected to participate will be notified in the middle of January. Find the online application here.

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