UF/IFAS research is yielding science-backed fertilizer rates that align with the 4Rs; seminars are scheduled.

UF/IFAS researchers have been conducting research into recommended fertilizer rates since 2022 when state funding allowed the UF/IFAS Nutrient Management Program (NMP) to begin research into recommended nutrient rates for 14 Florida crops, according to a UF/IFAS blog, citrus included. For citrus, growers were concerned that long-established rates did not take into consideration the challenges created by citrus greening (HLB) as the rates were established prior to the arrival of the disease. There has also been a greater push for precision fertilization, and the 4Rs are part of citrus’ BMPs. Similarly, growers believed the rates also did not take into consideration the different regions in The Sunshine State. In 2022, UF/IFAS researchers began the work of creating regionally-tailored fertilizer rates that reflect regional differences, align with the 4Rs to reduce waste and pollution, and the concerns of citrus greening. They have also planned seminars to share the details with Florida citrus growers. See the details below.

Fertilizer Rates Research Details

According to the blog, “NMP scientists are honing application rates for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Past recommendations for those key macronutrients needed updating to represent current production systems as well as to account for Florida’s varied environmental conditions, including diverse soil types ranging from sand to muck, or its hardiness zones, which range from 8b to 11b.”

Other considerations include that “The new rates are based on research that considers a farm’s location, as well as modern farming methods regarding row spacing, irrigation practices and seed varieties. They are derived from research that incorporates the use of technology to increase efficiency and decrease fertilizer leaching, including controlled-release fertilizers and precision application machinery that places nutrients directly at plant root systems rather than widely broadcasting it. They also consider that growers may be increasing the number of plants grown on their land to boost crop yield.”

Upcoming Seminars

The blog maintained that “UF/IFAS is conducting outreach to growers, state agencies and advocacy groups” with a seminar series to “promote transparency and ensure stakeholders understand and support the new rates.” The dates and locations of the , with links to sign up, are:

September 13, Session 1: Watch a recording of Session One: The Basics with Dr. Edzard van Santen

Friday, October 11, Session 2: What has been done in Florida? With Dr. Lincoln Zotarelli, Professor, UF Horticulture Department

Friday, November 1, Session 3: The consequences of not including a zero rate with Alex Cleveringa, PhD candidate, Iowa State University Department of Agronomy

Friday, December 6, Session 4: A Bayesian approach to design and analysis  with Dr. Hans Peter Piepho, Professor of Biostatistics, Universität Hohenheim, Germany

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions -or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.