Nominations Being Accepted to the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame

Nominate a person to the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame, through November 1st.

The Florida Citrus Hall of Fame is once again calling for nominations, according to a Growing Produce article. The Hall of Fame’s mission is to “recognize those distinguished leaders that have made significant contributions to the industry and to preserve and share the rich heritage of Florida citrus.” It’s a time-honored tradition to honor those who have made strides in Florida’s citrus industry, now more than ever. Explore the details of what nominees should possess, and how to nominate them, below.

Nominations to the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame

According to the article, “eligible nominees for the Hall of Fame are those distinguished leaders who have made significant contributions to the Florida citrus industry in any of the following fields: pioneers, harvesting, packing, processing, marketing, scientific and/or educational areas.” The Hall of Fame was established in 1962.

Accordingly, every nomination requires a summary of the nominee’s accomplishments, letters of support from industry members, and a photo. The organization encourages nominations from past years that did not make it in, and anyone is able to nominate others.

Nomination forms are available, along with additional information, on the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame website. Nominees that are accepted—the Class of 2019—are announced later in the year and a ceremony to honor them will be held March 8th.

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