Water Quality Best Management Practices Review: Keys to Pollution Prevention

Florida leads the US as the state with the most citrus production. Constantly warding off diseases, citrus cankers, and pests, Florida farmers now face another challenge: water pollution.

FDACS has addressed the water quality that greatly impacts production of citrus fruits in order to help maintain the environmental advantages of Florida’s agriculture. Nonpoint sources (sources that don’t arise from an identifiable source) are the greatest contributors to water pollution. Most of you are already taking these steps to prevent pollution. If you’re following these BMPs, you will be able to reduce costs, meet conservation goals, be eligible for government funding, and increase production.

There are four main steps that Florida farmers implement in order to responsibly carry out good land and water management practices:


  • Understand Water Quality Issues Inside the Operation


Many factors play into how different land is affected. From soil type to number of acres to elevation levels, the potential for pollution varies. Understanding the land and the ways to prevent pollution from occurring is key.


  • Manage Nutrient Sources Properly


Farmers minimize pollution on their property by controlling the type of materials they use. Keeping track of everything used on the operation, including fertilizers and manures, is essential.


  • Direct Irrigation Carefully


Pollutants are mainly carried by water. The biggest thing Florida farmers do to reduce pollution is control their irrigation from creating runoff or leaching.


  • Minimize the Potential for Erosion Impacts


Another key factor is that when planning to clear land, build roads, maintain ditches, or rehabilitate groves, growers take into account how much soil is left exposed. Erosion increases the chance for plant and biological material to negatively impact vegetation.

Continuing to implement these BMPs is going to help you save money in the long run and stay compliant!

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize their health of their pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection products distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture.

For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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