Watch Short UF/IFAS Citrus Expo Videos

View the two videos played at this year’s UF/IFAS Citrus Expo booth for Florida citrus growers in August.

The Citrus Expo was held in person this year in August, offering Florida citrus growers and industry stakeholders the chance to see first-hand the developments in citrus research over the last year. The UF/IFAS Citrus Expo booth focused on supplying growers with the latest in research as succinctly as possible, including two short videos on preharvest fruit drop and tolerance to citrus greening in finger limes, according to a Citrus Industry article. Both videos are available online on the UF/IFAS CREC website for those who could not see them in person. See the details below.

Details of the UF/IFAS Citrus Expo Videos

The first video at the UF/IFAS Citrus Expo booth was about preharvest fruit drop associated with citrus greening. Narrated by UF/IFAS researcher Tripti Vashisth, it shared statistics and the latest research concerning fruit drop. Highlights include that “up to 40% of fruit can drop from mildly HLB-symptomatic trees shortly before harvest, and that up to 70% of fruit can drop from severely HLB-symptomatic trees,” and “that smaller fruit tend to drop more than larger fruit, and that trees with fewer leaves tend to drop more fruit,” and “that gibberrelic acid, a plant growth regulator, has been shown to reduce fruit drop.”

The second video was about the research that has proven that finger limes are tolerant to citrus greening. Narrated by UF/IFAS researcher Manjul Dutt, he said “Our main focus is to understand what causes the finger limes to be tolerant … and how we can utilize that knowledge to develop HLB-tolerant citrus.”

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