Utilize Citrus Flower Bud Advisories With This Year’s La Niña Winter

UF/IFAS resumed their Citrus Flower Bud Advisories, and Florida citrus growers should take full advantage of the information.

UF/IFAS associate professor in horticultural sciences and Extension specialist in citrus production management, Tripti Vashisth, maintained in a recent Citrus Industry article that this year will be a La Niña winter, and that UF/IFAS’s Citrus Flower Bud Advisories will provide valuable information to help Florida citrus growers to navigate the season. Read the details below.

Citrus Flower Bud Advisories and La Niña

The UF/IFAS Citrus Flower Bud Advisories “provide critical information about the intensity and time of citrus blooms. Growers use this information to determine when to spray for Asian citrus psyllid control as well as when to stop pesticide spraying so that pollinating bees may be moved into or placed near citrus blocks,” according to the article.

Vashisth will be issuing the advisories, starting on December 2nd, every other week. This winter’s La Niña weather pattern will offer challenges to growers, according to Vadhisth. “This is going to be a La Niña winter, the second in a row, which means Florida will experience temperatures warmer than normal and rainfall lower than normal. We are in for warm and dry winter weather. Under these conditions, enough hours below 68 degrees are likely to accumulate to induce an economic level of flower buds, but intermediate warm periods during the winter can lead to multiple flower cohorts and a very prolonged bloom. On the positive side, if dry weather prevails during the bloom period, there could potentially be lower incidence of post-bloom fruit drop,” Vashisth said in the article.

Growers can look to the advisories, found here, for guidance. ” Vashisth added, “I am excited to continue this important service to Florida citrus growers. This information is something that growers need to make timely and value-added decisions to properly manage their groves.”

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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