Using AI to Make Livestock Operations More Efficient

See how a researcher with Texas A&M is looking to use AI to make livestock operations more efficient.

Texas A&M AgriLife animal nutritionist, Luis Tedeschi, Ph.D., is looking to use AI to make livestock operations more efficient, according to a recent Beef Magazine article. Dr. Luis, who is also a Texas A&M AgriLife Research Fellow and Chancellor EDGES Fellow in the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Animal Science, is “looking for cost-effective and noninvasive methods of monitoring feeding behaviors in livestock operations that producers can adapt to improve their bottom line – all through alerts on a cell phone or computer,” according to the article. See the details below.

AI and Efficient Livestock Operations

The article maintains the Dr. Luis and the team will use “sensors, cameras and microphones” to “collect information about a pen of cattle, such as what percent of the time they are walking, eating, playing, grooming, lying down, or getting water. Knowing their behavior can help calculate how much feed they eat and at what time of day.” Over the next three years, the research team will create a precision livestock farming facility at Texas A&M to test out the use of AI in livestock operations.

The article maintained the goals of the research include:

  • “Make artificial intelligence an invaluable and accessible tool for producers.
  • Make production sustainable from an economic, social and environmental perspective.
  • Ensure the producers are on top of the cutting-edge and innovative advancements they can utilize to improve their production.
  • Deliver services leveraging cutting-edge research, sophisticated data analysis and artificial intelligence within a precision livestock farming data framework. This could create opportunities for others to use the technology and create their own business to assist producers.

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