Explore options for controlling common citrus foliar fungal diseases.
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) plant pathologist Ozgur Batuman gave a presentation at a fall field day and seminar at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center in Immokalee. The presentation focuses on the use of copper and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies for common citrus foliar fungal diseases and citrus canker. See the details of a summary of his presentation from a Citrus Industry article, below.
Tips for Controlling Common Citrus Foliar Fungal Diseases
Copper: Batuman said, “Copper is a protectant, so it has to be protecting your tissue that is vulnerable. So before the pathogen arrives, copper has to be there.”
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies: Batuman said, ““First, avoidance of course, not to bring the pathogen into your grove. And … you have to correctly identify the pathogen. “If you know this information, you can come out with really effective solutions.”
He also shared how citrus health management areas (CHMAs) can be used to implement IPM strategies, especially over a wide area. “This (CHMA) is for psyllids and HLB control, but it’s easily extended to citrus black spot, for instance.”
Batuman also expressed his admiration for Florida’s citrus growers as they are “being open to new ideas” and have become better growers since the onset of citrus greening.
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Photo courtesy of André Loconte.