Tips on Using Tree Wraps

Explore the Best Practices for using tree wraps to protect young citrus trees from insects, cold, and more.

Young citrus trees, both new plantings and resets, need more care and attention than established citrus trees, according to a Citrus Industry article on a presentation given on the topic. Many growers use tree wraps, according to the presentation given by Jake Price, an UGA agent and Lowndes County Extension coordinator, at a Georgia citrus growers meeting. Explore the highlights below.

Tree Wraps and Best Practices

According to Price, tree wraps offer benefits like protecting young citrus trees from sun damage, keeping pests away from young trees, preventing rootstock sprouts, and offer insulation to protect young trees during cold weather.

Additional tips Price shared included:

  • Wraps installed around the lower 12 to 16 inches of a tree’s trunk can protect the tree from herbicide damage.
  • Wraps that leave a gap between the wrap and tree trunk can create a space for insects and pests to hide, so those spaces should be checked for insects and pests periodically. If pests or insects are found, Price advised that the wrap should be removed, the infestation treated, and then reinstalling a wrap with a tighter fit.
  • Price maintained that heavy-duty aluminum foil works well as a low-cost tree wrap that is also easy to fit tightly to the tree trunk and easy to remove when needed.
  • T-PEE type wraps offer the best cold protection.

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