Tips for Successful Beef Cattle Showmanship

See what you need to know to be successful at a Beef Cattle Showmanship event at during competitions.

Beef Cattle Showmanship events focus “on the individual exhibitor’s ability to handle and showcase their animal,” and they are a favorite of many exhibitors, according to a UF/IFAS blog. The blog shared tips on what you need to know to be successful at such events. See them below.

Success at Beef Cattle Showmanship Events

The blog shared these tips:

“Exhibitor Presentation and Positioning

  • Wear the proper attire. For example, 4-H or FFA official dress or a button-up shirt and black jeans. Always check the show rules for specific requirements. Proper attire includes proper footwear. Closed toed shoes or boots are a must.
  • Use a cattle show stick and plastic comb (cloth for slick cattle.) Keep your show stick in your left hand with the prong facing down. Don’t overuse!
  • Use a leather or phantom show halter. Match the color to your animal.
  • Don’t block the view of the judge and don’t stand in front of your animal. Pay attention to what the judge tells you and where he or she wants you to go.
  • Maintain a natural smile and make eye contact with the judge during showmanship. Be confident and stay calm.

Animal Presentation and Positioning

  • Properly groom, clip and brush your animal before entering the arena.
  • Ensure the halter properly fits your animal.
  • Position the animal’s legs so it has:
  • Its head up and topline straight.
  • Offset rear legs.
  • Front legs parallel and directly under the shoulders.
  • Use the halter and show stick while positioning your animal, being careful to not rely too heavily on the show stick. Instead, have the animal take a step or two to get into the proper stance.

Showmanship Etiquette

  • Be on time.
  • Know the rules. Each show is different.
  • Show good sportsmanship. Be respectful to competitors and judges. Be gracious when receiving feedback and results.
  • Maintain space from other animals and the edge of the arena when competing.
  • Keep your animal under control and clean up after your animal in the pens.”

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