Tips for Planting and Fertilizing a Reestablished Pasture

Explore tips and recommendations for correctly planting and fertilizing a reestablished pasture.


The warm months are a time to establish and reestablish pastures, even in Florida. We’ve shared a blog in the past about what to do when it’s time to reestablish a pasture, and we need to add some information about planting and fertilizing a reestablished pasture, shared from a South Florida Beef Forage Program publication. See tips below.

Planting and Fertilizing a Reestablished Pasture


The first time fertilizing your pasture will come into play is during the preparation portion. You should soil test prior to planting to determine the soil’s fertility and pH needs, and then amend the soil with fertilizers and either lime or dolomite; the amounts needed will be decided in part by what forage you will be planting. The publication’s recommendations for planting different forages include:

Bahia Grass: “It is recommended that you purchase your seed from a reputable company that is selling local, fresh seed with a germination rate of 80% or better. It is recommended that you spread 25-30 pounds of viable seed per acre. Once the seed is spread you should cover the seed with about ¼” of soil or roll the seedbed to pack the seed. Rolling will also assist in moisture retention. Moisture is needed for germination and also establishment of the seed. After emergence of the seedlings it is recommended to apply 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre, phosphate as recommended from your soil sample and 25 pounds of potash per acre. Thirty to 50 days later it is recommended to apply another 50 pounds of nitrogen and 25 pounds of potash per acre.”

Vegetative Propagated Forages: “Use well fertilized planting material that is from mature plants. It is recommended to spread the material as soon as possible after it is harvested. You want to spread 1,000 to 1,500 pounds of material per acre. One acre of material should plant 13-15 acres. Moisture is a must when planting vegetative materials. The seedbed needs to be moist. Once the material is spread it should be crimped into the soil and rolled to preserve the soil moisture. Consistent moisture is needed after planting as well.”

Bermudagrass or Stargrass: “Fertilize 7-10 days after planting with 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre and 50% of the potash and all of the phosphate recommended from your soil test results per acre. Thirty to 50 days after planting it is recommended to apply another 70 pounds of nitrogen per acre and the remaining 50% of potash per the soil sample results.”

Limpograss: “Apply 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre, all of the phosphorus and 50% of the potash recommended from your soil test results per acre. Thirty to 50 days later it is recommended to apply another 70 pounds of nitrogen and the remaining 50% of potash per your soil test results per acre.”

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.


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