The Many Benefits of Citrus Cooperative Research Projects

See all the benefits of citrus cooperative research projects, like CRAFT, where scientists and citrus growers work together.

Did you know that the fact that citrus greening causes the rapid loss of fibrous roots and that soil pH is critical for citrus tree health in citrus greening-affected trees were both observations that were made by citrus growers and “industry cooperators” during citrus cooperative research projects? A Citrus Industry Tip of the Week article maintains these observations “rapidly changed the course of citrus research and industry practices.” The article outlined the numerous benefits that occur when growers and researchers work together. See them below.

Benefits of Citrus Cooperative Research Projects

Citrus cooperative research projects are those where research is conducted using plots in established commercial groves. Citrus growers provide the groves and the caretaking, and researchers design the study or experiment and execute it. Such projects, such as those conducted through the Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) program, “are often replicated to evaluate the success of new agricultural practices (new rootstocks, varieties, growth regulators, IPM tactics, etc.) under commercial conditions across large blocks of trees on different farms in different regions.”

Benefits, per the article, include:

  • “Resources available for research increase considerably if scientists do not have to pay for the infrastructure and labor needed to establish and properly maintain the trees in their trials. The savings permit experiments to be repeated under different conditions at additional locations. “
  • “Growers, in turn, pay less for more research by leveraging their investment in establishing and maintaining their groves.”
  • “When research occurs in commercial groves, learning flows more readily…While scientists acquire and interpret data for growers, observations by growers often inform important future research.”
  • “Growers and researchers become well acquainted, often for decades, and better aware of the resources and constraints each brings to bear on problem-solving.”

The article ends by advising “To learn more about collaborating with a UF/IFAS researcher, reach out directly to faculty at one of the citrus research websites:, or”

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