Talking Points for Advocating for Florida Beef

Explore the talking points you can use when advocating for Florida beef.

Florida beef is major part of Florida’s ag industry, which is second only to tourism in the amount that it contributes to The Sunshine State. However, many Florida residents don’t know about the Florida beef industry, from its importance in revenue to its history. Beef operators are best positioned for advocating for Florida beef, according to a South Florida Beef-Forage Program article. See all the talking points you can use to advocate for the beef industry in Florida.

Advocating for Florida Beef

The article shared the following talking points:

  • The livestock industry encompasses 5.4 million acres of pasture and rangeland statewide with 18,433 beef cattle operations and 425 dairy cattle operations taking up most of these acres.
  • In economic terms this turns into $502 million value of cattle produced and 300 million gallons of milk produced that are worth $537 million.
  • The beef cattle industry contributes to the economy through employee wages, salaries, and benefits.  Currently we contribute approximately $4.64 billion to the state’s economy through wages, salaries and benefits.
  • In the counties of Lafayette, Okeechobee, Gilchrist, Madison and Hardee contribute 10% plus to the local economy from the cattle industry.
  • Some of the jobs that contribute to the economy are directly related to beef cattle production, meat processing, dairy farming, dairy product manufacturing, product wholesalers, retail sales of beef and dairy products, and allied services.
  • As an industry, 231 million pounds of beef are produced per year, providing 334 million meals to the public.
  • Not only are we feeding the world’s residents, we are also able to create other items used in everyday life.  Some of these things are cosmetics, crayons, bandages, leather goods, insulin, heparin, and vitamin B12.
  • The industry also preserves natural resources. Pastures and rangelands provide support for sensitive and unique ecosystems that provide homes for native and endangered plants such as bald cypress trees and sabal palms.  The areas also provide protection and resources for wildlife species. Ranches in central and south Florida have partnered with Water Management Districts to hold water in an effort to enhance water quality.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.  


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