Takeaways on Citrus Nutrition from the Citrus Nutrition Box Program

See the information learned about citrus nutrition from Florida’s Citrus Nutrition Box Program, which started the fall of 2019.

Florida’s Citrus Nutrition Box Program saw the collection and testing of 258 leaf samples and 81 soil samples across 19 counties in The Sunshine State. The program aimed to help Florida citrus growers to understand and implement nutritional research through foliar and soil testing, and it also collected the data to get the bigger picture of citrus nutrition as a whole in the state. Jamie Burrow, a UF/IFAS Extension program manager at the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC), presented that information at the Citrus Nutrition Day in October 2021, according to a Citrus Industry article. See the details below.

Takeaways on Citrus Nutrition

The Citrus Nutrition Box Program amassed the following points on citrus nutrition in Florida:

  • “Regional differences occur around the state with secondary macronutrients and micronutrients.”
  • “Manganese and zinc are a concern for almost all areas.”
  • “A soil pH between 5.8 and 6.5 is best for HLB-affected trees. That level is ideal for all nutrients and allows well-balanced nutrient uptake.”
  • “The program found a need to apply higher rates of manganese than were previously recommended for healthy trees.”
  • “Statewide, calcium levels decreased over the year to below optimum; they typically increase over the year in healthy trees. Thirty-five percent of trees in the project were low in calcium.”
  • “Most nutrients stayed in the optimum range throughout the year.”
  • “HLB-affected trees used nutrients quicker than healthy trees; their smaller root systems need a constant supply to meet nutritional needs.”

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