Take the Fresh Fruit Decay Survey

A UF/IFAS researcher is asking those in the Florida citrus industry to take a survey on fresh fruit decay to inform programs aimed at the issue.

UF/IFAS researcher Mark Ritenour is calling on those in the Florida citrus industry—Florida growers, packers, and shippers of fresh fruit—to take a survey on fresh fruit decay in order to help programs that are in the works to address the issue, according to a Citrus Industry article. The survey will remain open until mid-November. See the details below.

Fresh Fruit Decay Survey Details

The survey will help to guide programs that are being funded by a Florida Citrus Packers/U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops grant aimed at improving control of fresh citrus fruit decay. According to the article, the survey aims to:

  • Understanding the different practices Florida fresh citrus growers, packers and shippers currently use
  • Documenting recent commercial experiences related to fresh citrus fruit decay
  • Understanding the most effective means of disseminating new information about decay control to industry

In the article, Ritenour said “Traditionally, postharvest fungicides, if used correctly, could usually control postharvest decay. Since HLB has become endemic, we see substantially more cases of fruit decay (especially stem-end rot) starting while the fruit is still hanging on the tree in the field before harvest. If it starts before harvest, we cannot control it with normal postharvest means. We have been working from a Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops grant, through the Florida Citrus Packers, to develop ways to better combat fruit decay. These include both pre- and postharvest methods, testing new materials for control, and potential new methods of handling the fruit (degreening).”

The anonymous and voluntary fresh fruit decay survey can be found here.

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