FAWN Tools Available for Citrus Growers
As cold weather approaches, Florida’s citrus growers turn to the Florida Automated Weather Network’s suite of tools. FAWN tools, as they’re know, were the topic of the day at [...]
As cold weather approaches, Florida’s citrus growers turn to the Florida Automated Weather Network’s suite of tools. FAWN tools, as they’re know, were the topic of the day at [...]
Florida citrus is a major part of the state’s agriculture industry. Even with the hits the Florida citrus industry has taken from citrus greening, or HLB, it’s still a [...]
There are many different avenues of attack that are being researched to fight citrus greening, also known as HLB, in Florida. A CitrusIndustry.com article recently discussed the latest developments [...]
Leasing land for cattle can be a desirable proposition as long as you get the right set of circumstances. Many cattle producers have questions about cattle leases, and the [...]
There are many incentive programs available for replanting or renovation of new citrus groves in Florida at the moment. Citrus greening, also known as HLB, has done a great [...]
The best and the brightest minds in science and agriculture are working tirelessly to beat citrus greening, also known as HLB. Citrus greening is caused by bacteria that infect [...]
Water is an integral part of agriculture. It’s especially true for Florida citrus growers who also need to keep an eye on water usage both as a tool for [...]
The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is on the front lines of fighting citrus greening and saving Florida’s citrus industry. It is one reason why [...]
October 11th saw the Citrus Nutrition Day at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. University of Florida researcher Jude Grosser reported on HLB, also known as [...]
If you haven’t taken the time to appreciate fertilizer’s role in your life, then today is the day to do that. October 13th is Global Fertilizer Day. Like it [...]
Harvest season is well under way in most states, but harvest time is an occurrence that happens pretty much full-time in Florida. Whether you’re in the middle of your [...]
Florida’s citrus growers are getting some much-needed good news. First it was the announcement of the Citrus Grove Renovation/Re-establishment Support Program in late August. That’s a program aimed at helping [...]
September 18th to the 24th is National Farm Safety and Health Week, and it’s a good time to make sure farm safety is a top priority at your operation. [...]
Water is a big deal for most farmers, and that’s especially true in Florida. One group of farmers in Suwannee didn’t have to worry as much about water and [...]
Florida agriculture is a multi-faceted industry. We often hear about the major commodities in the industry, such as citrus and beef cattle, but there are many different sectors that [...]
Florida citrus growers could use some good news. After an early citrus forecast predicted a 26 percent drop in the 2016-17 harvest year over the 2016-16 season’s 81.5 million [...]
UF/IFAS researchers are introducing a program that focuses on the 4Rs of fertilizers. The program will help growers in The Sunshine State to effectively utilize fertilizers and nutrient additives [...]
Citrus greening has been affecting Florida’s citrus industry for over a decade, but growers and researchers are still figuring out the “best practices” when it comes to treatments for [...]
Many growers in Florida raise their produce using raised beds, also called plastic mulch. It’s a common sight in The Sunshine State to see strawberries, peppers, watermelon and more growing [...]
Biotechnology is one avenue of attack aimed at citrus greening, or HLB, that holds a great deal of promise. Southern Gardens Citrus President Rick Kress gave an update at [...]