Summary of the State of the Florida Citrus Industry Survey, Part 2

Florida citrus is a major part of the state’s agriculture industry. Even with the hits the Florida citrus industry has taken from citrus greening, or HLB, it’s still a billion-dollar industry that employs many people—62,000 as of the 2012-2013 season. Citrus is one of Florida’s most well-known features, and it’s something everyone in the state is hoping to save. A recent survey by Florida Grower Magazine took a look at the state of the Florida citrus industry. See a summary of the survey’s results concerning Florida’s citrus industry as a whole below.

Florida Citrus Industry Survey Key Points

According to a article, the parent company of Florida Grower Magazine, “growers still are in the fight against the disease.” Questions and important findings on the state of the citrus industry in Florida included:

  • To the question, “Are You Planting Any Newer Varieties? If so, Which Ones? (Top 5)

-#1 Most Popular was ‘Tango’

-#2 was ‘Sugar Belle’

-#3 was ‘OLL 8’

-#4 was ‘OLL 4’

-#5 was ‘7-6-27’/ ‘Bingo’

  • To the question, “How Would You Rank Postbloom Fruit Drop In Your Groves Last Season?”

-38% responded ‘high’  

-37% responded ‘low’

-25% responded ‘low’

  • To the question, “Are You Resetting Trees In Your Blocks?”

-73% responded ‘yes’

-27% responded ‘no’

  •  To the question, “Are You Planting New Blocks?

-55% responded ‘yes’

-45% responded ‘no’

  • To the question, “What Do You Anticipate Your 2016-2017 Harvest Yields Will Be Compared To Last Season?”

-44% responded ‘lower’

-39% responded ‘about the same’

-17% responded ‘higher’

  • To the question: “Would You Consider Planting Citrus Under A Protected Screen Structure?

-55% responded ‘no’  

-20% responded ‘yes’

-24% responded ‘need more information’


The survey included targeted questions concerning bactericides and psyllid controls for the Florida citrus industry; it was detailed in part 1 of the blog. Read it here.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.



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