Rootstock Trial Website Great Option to Choose What to Grow

A new USDA Rootstock Trial Website is a good resource for Florida citrus growers trying to figure which rootstocks they want to plant.

The USDA has launched a new Rootstock Trial Website for citrus growers to see trial results on citrus rootstocks, Citrus growers can view the results from 37 replicated multiyear rootstock field trials in Florida, according to a Citrus Industry article on the website. The website offers a wealth of information. See the details below.

Rootstock Trial Website Details

Citrus growers can view information about trials of many of the most popular rootstocks used in Florida and the last 20 years of rootstocks released by USDA. This includes the trial results of over 300 of the SuperSour rootstocks currently being evaluated, as the trials will determine which rootstocks are chosen for future releases by the USDA.

Growers can view a wealth of data on different rootstocks on the website. According to USDA rootstock breeder Kim Bowman in the article, “In addition to extensive field performance information for hundreds of rootstocks, the site contains official rootstock descriptions for many in commercial use, specific information about nursery propagation for all the USDA rootstocks, the latest statistics for industry usage of different rootstocks, links to an assortment of other invaluable rootstock-related sites, and much more.”

Growers can use the information to decide what rootstocks to grow. This is especially valuable information for growers considering high density plantings. The latest research on high-density plantings maintains that extensive research should be done to choose the best rootstock for the space, the “sweet spot,” allowing citrus trees to reach their optimal heights, canopies, and additional specifications to produce to the highest level.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.


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