Research on Trunk injection Wounding

See the results from research into minimizing trunk injection wounding in citrus from injections aimed at citrus greening.

Florida citrus researchers are looking for the best way to deliver oxytetracycline (OTC) into citrus trees to manage citrus greening, and trunk injection wounding is a concern. Injection-induced tree damage can let in diseases and pests. Research is ongoing into Best Practices, and a UF/IFAS Tip of the Week article shared what has been learned so far. See it below.

Trunk injection Wounding Research Information

The following information regarding trunk injection wounding was taken from the article:

  • “Wounds closed faster when trees were injected during spring or summer (when trees are metabolically more active) than during fall or winter.”
  • “OTC injection delayed wound closure compared to water injection. When using water, all wounds were closed within a few months after injection. When using OTC, it took up to one year after injection for the wounds to fully close.”
  • “Researchers found that citrus trees can effectively compartmentalize wounds when injecting water, but OTC impedes this process. This is evidenced by a large area of discoloration inside the trunk.”
  • “The new (sap)wood formed during the next growth cycle is healthy, and fruit yield and soluble solids content are consistently improved after OTC injection.”
  • “Researchers found no benefits associated with the application of wound treatments such as pruning sealants or fungicides.”

Researchers concluded that “The benefits of trunk injection of OTC may therefore outweigh the risk associated with this technology under the current production conditions.”

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