Research on IPCs and Sting Nematodes

See the results so far of CRDF-supported research on IPCs and sting nematodes in Florida citrus in the era of citrus greening.

Sting nematodes are not a huge problem for mature citrus trees, but young citrus trees—such as those used in replants—can be greatly affected, according to a UF/IFAS Tip of the Week article. Add in the additional problems caused by citrus greening—root loss and pronounced fruit drop—and sting nematodes present a serious problem for Florida citrus growers having to plant young citrus trees. The Tip of the Week shared the results so far of research being conducted with the support of the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) on IPCs and sting nematodes. See the details below.

Details of IPCs and Sting Nematodes Research

The research on IPCs and sting nematodes looks to measure the impact of delaying citrus greening infection in young citrus trees using Individual Protective Covers (IPCs) and treating the soil for sting nematodes. According to the article, the research is measuring the “responses of IPC-covered and uncovered trees to sting nematodes in plots being treated or not treated with nematicides.”

Research results thus far maintain, “Nine months after planting, covered trees are significantly larger and fewer have died than in plots of uncovered trees.” When completed, the research will also show:

  • “The degree to which young trees without HLB tolerate sting nematodes compared to trees with the disease.”
  • “The degree to which trees respond to nematode management if they are initially protected from HLB.”

The article ends with the advisement, “The profitability of IPCs is yet to be determined. However, as their benefits to grove establishment are increasingly understood, growers seeking solutions to serious young tree threats such as sting nematode, phytophthora and root weevils should consider using them in integrated pest management programs.”

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