Register Now for the Citrus Expo in August

Registration is now open for the Citrus Expo, slated for August 15th and 16th in North Ft. Myers, Florida.


Citrus growers from all over the state—and others in the vegetable and specialty crop industries—will be headed for North Ft. Myers and the Citrus Expo this August. Set for the 15th and 16th, this year’s event also includes topics that are of interest to both the citrus industry and the vegetable and specialty crop industry, according to the Citrus Expo website. The event also includes a trade show with vendors ready to share their products or services. Explore some of the offerings below, and make sure you register today.

Citrus Expo Topic Offerings


The citrus sessions available at the Citrus Expo will include information on:

  • Hurricane Irma relief funding
  • Water supply and water quality challenges facing Florida agriculture
  • Federal crop insurance – and what the farmer needs to know post-Irma
  • Ascertaining crop loss damages
  • Emerging issues in ag labor and safety
  • Investigations addressing the impact of ACP management on severity of HLB: initial update
  • Using kaolin clay for psyllid management
  • Antimicrobial strategies for controlling CLas and the Asian citrus psyllid
  • Update on pesticide resistance in ACP populations
  • Field evaluation of mesh bags for protection of young citrus trees
  • Citrus under protective screen – update and post-hurricane observations
  • Research update: does the rootstock propagation method influence citrus tree growth?
  • Living with HLB: nutrition and irrigation management can improve tree health and productivity
  • Citrus nutrition research leading to revised fertilizer recommendations for HLB-affected trees
  • Economics of high-density citrus plantings in Florida
  • New scion and rootstock planting options for Florida growers, with emphasis on fruit quality and disease resistance
  • Zinkicide for HLB: where efficacy and registration stand
  • Beneficial microbes and other soil amendments for improving citrus: an update
  • Results of field trials examining trunk injection of bactericides for HLB control
  • How a surprising lab result suggests a nutritional means to control HLB
  • Initial observations on the effect of homobrassinolides on HLB-affected trees in Florida
  • How to know when PFD will strike again

Register here today.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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