Q&A: Hope for Florida Citrus

Read the outlook of Tom Johnson, owner of TJ BioTech, on OTC injections and the Florida citrus industry.

Tom Johnson, the owner of TJ BioTech, the manufacturer of OTC injections, has been a part of a series of Q&A articles concerning Oxytetracycline (OTC) injections, published as Citrus Industry articles. We’re happy to share them, including the latest; it looks at the misinformation surrounding the decline of the Florida citrus industry. (We also scratch our heads at the erroneous belief that fertilizers are responsible for the declines caused by citrus greening!) See his words below.

The State of the Florida Citrus Industry

In the Q&A article, Johnson said this:

Q: “What is the biggest problem for Florida’s citrus growers to overcome?

Tom Johnson: In the general news media, you can read all manner of uninformed reasons as to why citrus production has declined so dramatically in the past 20 years. It ranges from Florida just isn’t suited to raise citrus and therefore citrus should be moved to a different state, to saying that citrus growers should rotate the crop to reduce disease, to “Citrus greening isn’t a problem to me. I like tangerines better than oranges anyway!” My favorite is that it’s the fertilizer farmers use that causes the disease.

I, along with everyone that is involved in agriculture and the citrus industry, knows that none of these so-called reasons for the citrus production decline are actually true. I know firsthand that agriculture and farmers have become villainized in many circles. All the while, there seems to be a lack of understanding that if there is no farmer, there is no food!

The real problem for the 20-year decline in citrus production is citrus greening disease. Indeed, there may be other factors. But overall, citrus greening is the most important overall threat to the citrus industry. I salute the citrus growers that are continuing the battle to overcome this time of devastation in your industry.

ReMedium TI® was developed as the first truly effective therapy to control citrus greening disease. This innovative and novel therapy has been proven to be effective in reducing the impact of this disease, allowing for citrus production recovery.

It is clear that the recovery will take some time, but I want to assure the industry that recovery can and will occur. TJ BioTech is continuing to develop solutions for the citrus industry. The industry is turning the corner. Don’t give up.”

Read our last blog featuring Johnson’s Q&As here.

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