Oxytetracycline Injections for Citrus Tips Part 1: Timing

See tips on using oxytetracycline injections for citrus, according to a UF/IFAS Tip of the Week for Florida citrus growers.

Many Florida citrus growers are trying oxytetracycline injections for citrus to fight citrus greening, also known as HLB. This involves injecting the antibiotic oxytetracycline right into the trunk of the citrus tree. Injections were found to be the most effective method for delivering the antibiotics throughout the tree though testing against foliar and root drench applications. A recent UF/IFAS Tip of the Week article shared tips for Florida citrus growers in timing the injections of oxytetracycline in the citrus trees. See the details below.

Oxytetracycline Injections for Citrus Timing Tips

The article shared the following tips on the timing of oxytetracycline injections for citrus:

  • “The tree hydration status is important for uptake and distribution of the injected formulation. Therefore, ensure that trees are well watered before performing injections.”
  • “Injections should be performed after the harvest and in compliance with the 180-day preharvest interval. To ensure efficient uptake and distribution, inject when the leaves are fully expanded. Avoid injecting during leaf flush to prevent leaf deformations.”
  • “For optimal uptake and distribution, injections are best performed during spring or early summer and during mid- to late morning (9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.), when transpiration rates are highest.”
  • “To achieve the best results, inject trees as soon as possible after preparing the formulation. This will minimize degradation from heat and UV and help preserve the product’s efficacy.”

See subsequent Griffin Fertilizer blogs for additional tips.

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