Ona Annual Field Day Scheduled for April 5th

Register for the University of Florida/IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center’s Ona Annual Field Day by April 2nd.


The University of Florida/IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center will be showing off the new facilities along with its Annual Field Day on April 5th, 2018. Those interested in going will need to register and pay the $15 registration fee by April 2nd. See the offerings of the event below.

Ona Annual Field Day Details


The Ona Annual Field Day will give attendees the opportunity to see the 2,500 square feet of laboratories and student training facilities UF has added to the center. In addition to the tour of the facilities, there will also be informative presentations and a steak lunch. The schedule of events includes:

8:00 a.m.: The event starts at the Range Cattle Research and Education Center at 3401 Experiment Station in Ona, Florida.

9:30 a.m.: ribbon cutting ceremony will be held with multiple speakers. They include, according to a Citrus Industry article:

  • John Arthington, director of the UF/IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center.
  • Elaine Turner, dean of the UF/IFAS College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
  • Ken Griner, president of the Florida Cattlemen’s Association.
  • Chris Prevatt, state specialized Extension agent. Prevatt specializes in beef cattle and forage enterprise budgeting and marketing. He will talk about the beef cattle market outlook.
  • Moriel, who will talk about nutrition of beef females.
  • Boughton, who will talk about Florida calf losses.

12:00: Steak lunch

1:00:  Tour of beef enhancement projects, including:

  • Brent Sellers, professor of agronomy and a weed specialist, will give an update on smutgrass management.
  • Joao Vendramini, associate professor of animal sciences, will talk about warm-season perennial grass establishment.
  • Maria Silveira, associate professor of soil and water sciences, will talk about land application of biosolids to bahiagrass pastures.

Register for the event here, or call 863-735-1314, by April 2.

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