Offerings at the 28th Annual Citrus Expo

See what’s on the schedule at the 28th annual Citrus Expo, set for August 14th and 15th in North Fort Myers, Florida.

The 28th annual Citrus Expo is scheduled for August 14th and 15th in North Fort Myers, Florida, at the Lee Civic Center. It’s running concurrently with the Vegetable & Specialty Crop Expo (VSC Expo) and a full trade show. The Citrus Expo is divided into general sessions, separate sessions for citrus growers and vegetable and specialty crop growers, and hands-on citrus session workshops. See a few of the offerings below.

Offerings at the 28th Annual Citrus Expo

General sessions are those addressing topics of broad interest that could impact all types of growers. They include:

  • The Future of Hemp in Florida as an Alternative Crop
  • Water Quantity and Quality Issues and Their Impact on Agriculture
  • Discussing the Ins and Outs of H-2A Labor

Separate Citrus Sessions

There are nearly 20 separate sessions for citrus growers, apart from the sessions for vegetable and specialty crop growers. Examples of citrus sessions include:

  • Structural roots and HLB: Implications for young tree management
  • HLB-affected citrus response to frequent irrigation and varied fertilization in Central Florida
  • Planting densities, fertilization methods and irrigation systems for sweet orange production in the Indian River District
  • Planting densities, fertilization methods and irrigation systems for sweet orange production in the Indian River District
  • Lebbeck mealybug, a new pest management challenge in Florida citrus
  • Growing young citrus trees under individual protective covers: What we know after 18 months
  • The economics of mesh bags for protecting young citrus trees

Hands-on Citrus Session Workshops

According to the Citrus Expo website, the hands-on citrus session workshops feature “10 different hands-on activities that growers can engage in. Some of the activities include checking for different types of soil and root nematodes and learning how to control them, identifying pests and fungal diseases, learning different methods for fungicide application, and how to measure soil pH.”

Additionally, “UF/IFAS will also have a “Meet the Specialist” session taking place at the same time as the hands-on workshops. Researchers will be available to speak with growers one-on-one.”

See the full schedule here.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.


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