Offerings at the 2018 Florida Citrus Show

Explore the offerings of the 2018 Florida Citrus Show.


January brings the New Year and the 2018 Florida Citrus Show. Slated for January 24th through the 25th in Fort Pierce, Florida, the conference and tradeshow is put on by Florida Grower Magazine, in conjunction with UF/IFAS, the USDA, and the Indian River Citrus League. See offerings from the event, and reasons why you should attend, according to a Growing Produce article.

Details of the 2018 Florida Citrus Show


The two-day event focuses on the Florida Citrus Industry, which includes a wide array of topics, especially with the tumultuous year the industry has had, and the continuing issues created by citrus greening. The Growing Produce article offers these reasons to attend the 2018 Florida Citrus Show:

Rehabilitation issues stemming from Hurricane Irma. The article offered this line-up of topics for the show:

  • Hurricane Recovery Update: a look at aid, loan, and recovery programs
    • Asian citrus psyllid management following storm damage and flush
    • Rehabilitating water-damaged citrus root systems
    • Bactericides application tips and efficacy expectations post-Irma
    • Nursery update and inventory after
    the storm
    • Climate change impacts on weather events in Florida.

Future Choices in the Citrus Industry. There were will be information on new varieties and rootstocks, especially those with increased tolerance to citrus greening, from UF/IFAS.

Lemons. Educational sessions will be offered about this acid fruit enjoying renewed interest.

The 2018 Florida Citrus Show also includes a trade show where industry suppliers will be displaying their goods, services, and equipment.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.



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