November CREC Field Day to Include Citrus Greening Breakthrough

The November 16th UF/IFAS CREC Open House and Field Day will include details of a scientific citrus greening breakthrough.

The search for a treatment or cure for citrus greening has been ongoing since the disease was first discovered in Florida citrus groves in 2005. While there has not yet been a confirmed “silver bullet” as of yet, there has been a “breakthrough discovery,” according to a Citrus Industry article, and the details will be shared at the November 16th University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) Open House and Field Day. See the details below.

Citrus Greening Breakthrough

UF/IFAS CREC Director Michael Rogers shared “basic information” about the citrus greening breakthrough at a September Highlands County Citrus Growers Association (HCCGA) governing board meeting, according to the article. Evidently, a UF/IFAS “researcher recently determined how bacterium causes the devastating citrus disease HLB,” and the discovery will “help growers reverse the effects of HLB and improve tree health,” according to the article.

While Rogers shared the basics at the meeting, he could not go into further detail because the findings had not yet been published. The article did say Rogers said the research began in 2017 and was funded by the Florida Legislature.

The research details will, however, be shared at the upcoming CREC Open House and Field Day on November 16th. “We’ve got some ideas and suggestions that growers can use now to improve their operations,” Rogers said in the article of the event.

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