Make to the 72nd Annual Florida Beef Cattle Short Course

Attend the Florida Beef Cattle Short Course put on by The University of Florida’s Department of Animal Sciences.

Register now for the 72nd Annual Florida Beef Cattle Short Course, scheduled for May 10-12 in Gainesville, Florida. The Short Course is put on by The University of Florida’s Department of Animal Sciences, and it is considered the “premier beef cattle educational event,” according to a Southeast AgNet article. See the details below.

Details of the Florida Beef Cattle Short Course

The Florida Beef Cattle Short Course website shared these details:

Who: The event is aimed at “Producers, extension specialists and agents, researchers, students, and allied industry members.”

When: May 10-12, 2023. “The program will start on Wednesday after lunch (1:00 PM) and will adjourn Friday at noon.”

Where: Straughn IFAS Extension Professional Development Center: 2142 Shealy Drive Gainesville, FL 32608.

What: “This year’s Short Course will focus on nutritional and management strategies that can enhance the profitability and sustainability of the beef industry. The program includes lectures from renowned guest speakers and outstanding University of Florida faculty members, including research updates, hands-on activities, and plenty of opportunities for networking.

During this event, the Department of Animal Sciences will offer the Annual UF Brahman Bull and Brahman Heifer Sale, including on-site viewing of animals.”

How to Register: Register for this event here: The cost is $160 up to May 9th, and then after May 9th, the cost will be $200 at the door.

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