A Look at Brazil’s 2016-17 Citrus Forecast

Brazil is the largest citrus producer in the world. They grow over 30 percent of the world’s oranges. HLB, or citrus greening, was detected in Brazil in 2004, a full year before being found in a South Florida grove. The disease has impacted both the Brazilian and the Florida citrus industries, but to different degrees. As the leader in world production, Brazil’s citrus forecast should be nearly as important to Florida growers as Florida’s own citrus forecast.

A Look at Brazil’s Citrus Industry

The first crop estimate for the 2016-17 citrus season in Brazil was released in May 2016; it forecast a total orange production of 245.74 million boxes for Brazil. A Citrus Industry article combed through the most recent details of the South American country’s citrus industry to draw some conclusions. Here’s the summarized version:

  • There are millions less seedlings being planted in Brazil, with trees between one and two years old being reduced by 30.6 percent over 2015 numbers.
  • Brazil’s overall land area for citrus trees has been reduced by 6.2 percent. It’s believed that growers in these areas moved to sugar cane or other crops.
  • There has been lower renovation, such as in irrigation.

At the end of the day, Brazil’s numbers mean a reduced citrus crop for Brazil for the 2016-17 season and beyond. That means a reduced supply that will likely be less than demand. It could create higher costs for orange juice and a higher price per box of oranges, according to the Citrus Industry piece.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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