Landowners Find Help in Fight Against Invasive Species

Landowners in The Sunshine State are getting some help in the fight against invasive species like tropical soda apple and cogongrass. UF/IFAS and over ten other organizations have come together to form the Florida Invasive Species Partnership (FISP), according to a UF/IFAS release on the Partnership. Chris Demers, UF/IFAS Extension statewide program manager, said in the release that Partnership members will “work across boundaries to address invasive species challenges across the state,” of Florida. Read more about the program below.

Fighting Invasive Species All Over Florida

The program first started its focus on invading species on state and federal lands. It has since expanded to private lands, with UF/IFAS Extension agents and other faculty offering expert advice. “UF/IFAS Extension faculty provide various resources on invasive species, control and prevention,” Demers said in the article. “We work across all species, plants, animals and fungus.”

Helping Landowners

The Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) project is a part of the Partnership that focuses on supporting local or regional groups in the state to assist private landowners and managers of state and federal lands with efforts to eradicate non-native species. CISMAs and UF/IFAS Extension agents and researchers hold workshops, conferences, work days, exotic pet amnesty days, and additional events in Florida to educate the public. Such events provide opportunities for landowners, managers, and others sectors of the public to get updated on the latest information and resources concerning invasive species.

The Partnership has also created tools to help private landowners get technical assistance and locate cost-share assistance grants to help with the cost of fighting invading species. Find them at

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