Join the Citrus Pest Management Course

Now is the time to enroll in the Citrus Pest Management Course at UF, a 16-month course, starting in the Fall of 2023.

The University of Florida’s IFAS is offering a Citrus Pest Management Course for citrus industry workers who want to learn more about citrus pest management, according to a UF/IFAS blog post. According to the blog post, the 16-month course “provides a comprehensive overview of citrus pests and how best to manage them in today’s citrus greening environment.” Those taking the course can earn either 3 credit hours or take it as a non-credit course. See the details below.

Details of the Citrus Pest Management Course

According to the blog post, the Citrus Pest Management course “is a graduate-level course (3.0 units) for students and citrus industry personnel working in the area of pest management. The course reviews the latest tactics and strategies available to manage diseases and arthropod, nematode and weed pests of citrus. Emphasis is given to techniques by which pest and disease organisms are monitored and how this information is used to effectively manage pests with the least risk to the environment.”

The blog shared that course topics will include:

  • “Identification and biology of citrus pests and diseases
  • Pest and disease monitoring
  • Ecological and economic principles as a basis for pest management
  • Economic thresholds and management models
  • Integrated pest management in citrus
  • AND – Citrus IPM in the era of citrus greening”

The blog maintained that “The 3-credit course is taught by experts in each area and is coordinated by Dr. Larry Duncan, University of Florida/IFAS professor of nematology. The course will be offered in person at the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred on Wednesdays, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., from Aug. 23 through Dec. 6. Students may also attend on-line.  CEU’s will be offered. Regular and non-degree registration is until 5 p.m. on Aug. 22, and students are strongly encouraged to register early.”

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