Increase Your Safety by Attending the UF/IFAS Farm Safety Workshop

The UF/IFAS Farm Safety Workshop offers safety training for farm workers on December 18th in Sebring.

Farming and ranching are dangerous jobs, but many of the accidents and injuries sustained in the ag industry are avoidable. Farm laborers can get information and training on how to best protect themselves while at work with the Farm Safety Workshop presented by UF/IFAS on December 18th in Sebring, Florida, according to a UF/IFAS blog. Explore the offerings of the event and register to attend below.

Details of the UF/IFAS Farm Safety Workshop

Slated for December 18th from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., the workshop is being held at the Bert J. Harris Jr. Agricultural Center, O.S. “Sam” Polston Auditorium, located at 4509 George Blvd., Sebring, Florida. UF/IFAS Extension agents from various Florida counties will present on a variety of topics. Agricultural agent and director of UF/IFAS Extension Highlands County, Laurie Hurner maintained that the workshop “helps operations get farmworkers’ safety training done at one time.”

Offerings include:

  • Proper Hygiene for Food Safety
  • First Aid
  • Worker Protection Standards. This is an hour-long class, and it is mandated annually by the federal Environmental Protection Agency; accordingly, “Certificates and documentation will be provided for each participant to the company they work for.”
  • OSHA Revised Hazard Communications Standard
  • Snakes and Other Critters
  • How to Perform Respirator Fit Tests. Hurner is quoted in the blog as saying, “One of the changes was to the respirator program. If a pesticide label requires the use of a respirator to apply the chemical, farms are required to perform respirator fit tests before an applicator can apply that chemical or pesticide. Many agricultural operations do not have personnel trained to do this, and Frank is going to get them up to speed.”

The cost is $5-$10, and you can register to attend the workshop here.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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