Griffin Fertilizer Sponsors Team in the 2017 Citrus Fun Shoot

Griffin Fertilizer sponsored a shooting team in the 2017 Citrus Fun Shoot.


Griffin Fertilizer was proud to sponsor a team at the fundraiser shoot for Highland’s County Citrus Grower’s Association. Held Saturday, December 9th, at Quail Creek Plantation, teams participating in the Citrus Fun Shoot shot clay to raise money for the Grower’s Association. See details of the event below.

Details of the 2017 Citrus Fun Shoot


The day started bright and early at 8:30 at the Quail Creek Plantation in Okeechobee. Teams tooled around in camo-covered golf carts to go from station to station to shoot. The event used both of Quail Creek Plantation’s courses, closing them to the general public until about 2:00 p.m.

Each shooter had 100 clay targets to shoot. Participants ranged from individuals to teams of six shooters. Approximately 400 shooters participated in the Citrus Fun Shoot.

Griffin Fertilizer sponsored a team of four young men who aptly named their group ‘The Young Guns.” Collectively, they shot an impressive 386 clay targets out of 400 during the regular arm of the Citrus Fun Shoot. It earned them a spot in the Shoot Off. While they didn’t win the Shoot Off, they did represent Griffin Fertilizer really well with their excellent shooting.

The event also included a raffle drawing for outdoor gear and various prizes. Afterwards, there was a lunch sponsored by Farm Credit of Florida. It featured Stone Crabs, Shrimp, Prime Rib, and all the fixings. Proceeds raised by the event will go towards the Highland’s County Citrus Grower’s Association.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

Photo courtesy of Curry Hinton Krasulak.

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