Getting the Best Performance Out of OTC Injections

See a Q&A on getting the best performance out of your OTC injections for your citrus, from the owner of TJ BioTech.

The owner of TJ BioTech, Tom Johnson, has shared information about OTC injections for HLB-infected citrus, in a series of Q&As. TJ BioTech manufactures ReMedium TI® injections, and the series focuses on optimizing injections. The latest, published in Citrus Industry, looks at getting the best performance from OTC injections. See it below.

 OTC Injections and Improved Performance

The Q&A shared:

Q: “How do I get the best performance out of my ReMedium TI® injections?”

A: Tom Johnson: “Getting the most out of your ReMedium TI® injections begins by properly evaluating individual tree size and tree health. While that may sound like a daunting task, with a little practice, the size and health evaluation can be accomplished quickly.

The next step is to determine the proper concentration and volume of injection. This of course allows for an accurate and proper prescription amount of the active ingredient (AI) per tree.

Proper preparation and care of the ReMedium TI® are essential! FLexInject® injectors are strongly recommended to provide maximum protection of the ReMedium TI® solution. Remember, heat and ultraviolet light can have a major negative impact on the breakdown of AI in the solution. Purity comes into the equation at this point as well. If the product chosen has high impurities in the AI — oxytetracycline — and homemade injectors are employed, the damage to the AI can be substantial in a very short amount of time.

FLexInject® injection devices are engineered with ultraviolet light protection. The design also includes the features of light diffusion and an insulation factor to prevent a rapid increase in temperature inside the protective FLexInject® shell.

Proper dose rates and proper care of the ReMedium TI® solution will bring the best and most economical end result. Without proper care of the AI in the solution, sporadic performance may be the end result.”

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